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St Faith St Martin Church of England Junior School

General Planning Expectations

All teachers are entitled to 10% of their contracted hours as PPA time. PPA time is organised so that year group teams are able to plan together.

In maths, literacy and science the new curriculum should be used when planning to ensure coverage of all the objectives in each year group. Use statutory and non-statutory guidance to support planning in order to cover objectives thoroughly.

Long term plans for coverage of Science, RE and non-core subjects have been created for all year groups detailing the topics to be covered each term. These need to be cross referenced with the national curriculum to ensure coverage of the key skills in each subject. In PE we follow the Val Sabin schemes of work for dance, gymnastics and games.

Medium term plans to show progression of units over a term should be completed at the start of a unit of work so planning and teaching has a clear direction and any resources needed can be obtained. Medium term planning format can be decided by the teams to make it an effective planning tool for those involved.

A weekly timetable should be completed for year groups detailing the learning objectives to be covered in each lesson each week during PPA time and be emailed to the headteacher.

Short term planning is the slides created for lessons, although staff are free to write separate short term plans if they feel they would be beneficial in aiding teaching. The only exception is NQTs, who need to provide short term planning for each lesson they teach as part of their continual professional development. School short term planning formats are available for all staff if required.


Meeting the needs of all

It is the class teacher’s responsibility to make sure planned lessons meet the needs of all the children in their class. Teachers need to differentiate and adapt resources as necessary. If children have a 1:1, it is still the class teacher’s responsibility to oversee the curriculum and activities for these children.



Class teachers need to make sure they plan for any TAs working in their room. They need to clearly communicate the TAs  roles within each lesson and the expected learning outcomes for the groups they are working with.

If TAs are carrying out interventions with children, they need to complete a pre- and post- assessment and log down outcomes of each session on the relevant intervention form.


Buying lesson resources

If you need extra resources for a unit of work which you don't think are already available in school, you need to:

  1. Check that the resource is not available in school.
  2. Source the resources online or using the catalogues stored in the office.
  3. Fill in a request form, detailing the resource, cost and where it can be purchased from (Form can be obtained from the school office).
  4. Pass the form to the school business manager or head teacher so they can look at the budget and decide whether the purchase can be authorised.

If you just go ahead and buy resources without checking first, it cannot be guaranteed that you will be reimbursed even if you have the receipt for your purchases.


Planning for known absences e.g. courses

If you know in advance that you are going to be out of school, it is your responsibility to plan and prepare work for the period of time you will be absent. Your partner teacher will also need to be made aware that you will not be in school so they can support the cover teacher throughout the day.

If the cover is ‘in house’ rather than a supply teacher then it is your responsibility to arrange to meet with the person covering you to hand over the resources they will need.

Clear instructions need to be left for the person covering your class including:

  • Integris log on details.
  • Timetable of the day
  • Any important class information e.g.  pupils with medical issues
  • Where slides for each lesson can be found
  • Paper resources clearly labelled with which groups they are for if differentiated.
  • Any other resources needed to deliver the lessons for the day


Planning for an unforeseen absence e.g. sickness

As we plan in year group teams it is the responsibility of the other teacher(s) in the year group to ensure work is provided if their colleague is absent without warning. Partner teachers need to make sure all of the above are done for their colleague’s class and liaise with the cover teacher to make sure they have everything they need.